When winter rolls around, the last thing you want is for your heating system to fail. Regular maintenance services are essential for keeping your heater in top shape, so your home or building can stay warm and cozy all season long. However, with such a wide range of services available, it can be difficult to know which ones are best for your system. To help you stay on top of your heater maintenance, here are four important services you should regularly schedule.
11 April 2023
Your air conditioning system isn't going to run flawlessly without some sort of maintenance and care on your part. If you aren't maintaining your system, it will eventually wear out and break down, but there will be some warning signs to watch out for. These warning signs should never be ignored, as they are a sign of something major to come and it may be costly if you ignore them. Maintaining your system can save you a lot of money in repair costs in the long run, so you need to take the time to maintain your system.
17 March 2023
A natural gas furnace must work through several steps before it can successfully and safely ignite. The final step in the ignition process is known as flame rectification. During this step, the furnace proves that all its burners have ignited, ensuring that unburnt gas isn't escaping into the furnace cabinet and your home. The ignition process itself involves several steps. Once the igniter turns on, the gas valve opens and releases gas to the burners.
22 February 2023
It is important to know when water heater repair work is worthwhile if your system has a problem. Most water heaters last between 8 to 20 years, depending on whether the system uses a tank and if there are other factors like highly chlorinated water. Many units have worked for far longer. Here are some situations where it either makes sense to ask for repairs or it's time for a water heater replacement.
8 February 2023
As part of the operation of your home's gas furnace, the natural gas is ignited and combusts within a metal-encased component called the heat exchanger. As the combustion takes place, the exchanger's casing contains toxic gas byproducts such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide that are created and sends them to the flue to keep them from accumulating inside your house. If this exchanger becomes overheated, the metal casing can crack, allowing these gases to escape.
18 January 2023
Depending on the type and severity of the damage, furnace repair costs can certainly add up over time. The good news is that you can easily prevent some of the issues that necessitate repair and not only save money in furnace repair but also enjoy maximum uptime from your unit. Prevention is, indeed, better than cure, which in this case is repair. Here is what you can do to prevent the frequency of furnace repair.
4 January 2023
When you own a business, part of your job is worrying about the heating, cooling, and indoor air quality. Unfortunately, it's often easy to ignore the HVAC system, especially when you have so many other hats to wear. If you haven't had your system repaired or maintained in a while, keep reading to learn more. Do You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality? Besides heating and cooling, the HVAC system plays a major role in indoor air quality.
12 December 2022
Getting through a winter with a faulty heating unit can be a distressing experience. Yet, many people find themselves in such a situation because they overlooked furnace maintenance ahead of the heating season. Moreover, a furnace that blows cold air into your house and still uses your fuel can be annoying. Fortunately, you can troubleshoot why the system has malfunctioned and come up with possible solutions. Consider these common causes.
28 November 2022
The ductwork is one of the longest-term parts of your home's HVAC system. While you will need to repair or replace furnaces, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and other mechanical parts of the system, it's much easier to ignore your ductwork. In fact, there's a good chance you're still using the ductwork that originally came with your home. Despite its durability, ductwork can occasionally become a source of headaches and HVAC problems. These four facts will help you understand more about your home's ductwork so you can recognize and address any problems.
31 October 2022
Cats hiss, and it does not necessarily mean anything is wrong. If your furnace is hissing, though, that is another matter. There is almost certainly something wrong. The only question is, "what?" In some cases, the problem might be minor and you might be able to fix it yourself. Other times, there may be something bigger wrong that your HVAC tech has to address. Here's a closer look at some of the most likely reasons why your furnace is hissing.
13 October 2022