What Separates Commercial HVAC Systems From Residential Units?


If you're a property owner or businessman looking towards an HVAC upgrade, you've probably wondered about the differences between commercial and residential HVAC systems. You may even wonder if a commercial system is really needed for your building.

Both commercial and residential HVAC systems share fundamental similarities with one another. But in actual use, there are plenty of differences between the two that makes sticking with a commercial HVAC system worthwhile for building owners and property managers.

Greater Cooling Capacity

The average residential HVAC system is designed with cooling ordinary homes in mind. Unless you're running a business out of a converted home, a typical commercial space will have more rooms, more occupants and larger spaces to keep comfortable. For residential systems with smaller physical sizes and lower heating and cooling capacities, these demands can easily prove overwhelming.

As a result, commercial HVAC systems are often physically larger units that provide greater heating and cooling capacity than their residential counterparts. These units must be fine-tuned to accommodate heating and cooling demands from employees and customers, especially during peak business hours.

Different Packaging

The average residential HVAC system comes in the form of a "split system," meaning there are two parts that make up the unit -- an indoor air handler that also contains the evaporator and blower fan and an outdoor cabinet that contains the condenser and compressor. Split systems are relatively simple to maintain and provide the best packaging solution for the average home.

Commercial HVAC systems, on the other hand, come as a "packaged" unit. The parts that would make up a typical split unit are instead housed in the same outdoor cabinet with conditioned air being fed into the building via ductwork. These units offer relatively simple placement and easier access for commercial building owners, but the tradeoff is that they're more complex to maintain and repair.

Modular Builds

Flexibility is another trait that separates commercial HVAC units from their residential counterparts. Commercial HVAC systems come in modular form, meaning you can build up or scale down your HVAC system depending on your building's heating and cooling needs. If you decide to renovate your building to expand showroom floor space, for example, your HVAC technician can install additional modules to increase heating and cooling capacity. You can click here for more information about how this works.

Rooftop Installation

While the average residential HVAC system sits alongside or behind a home at ground level, commercial units take advantage of flat-topped commercial roofs. A rooftop installation makes it easier for HVAC technicians to service the unit without disturbing business operations, plus the convenient location keeps it away from accidental damage and vandalism.


31 July 2018

Learning About HVAC Services

Hi there, I am Nadine Bachmier. I am going to discuss the various ways HVAC contractors can keep the temperatures in your business stable. HVAC contractors focus on maintaining and repairing the air conditioner, furnace, and ductwork used in your building. To keep the heating and cooling system in good shape, contractors may need to replace internal components, clean out channels, or simply perform a full upgrade. I will talk about the tools and techniques used to maintain and repair the equipment in your building. I will also share information about new products as they hit the HVAC market. I hope you will follow along and learn all you can.